Gavin Reid at work

Dr. Gavin Reid is an international consultant, psychologist and author. He was formerly a classroom teacher (10 years) and university lecturer (16 years).  He was a senior lecturer at Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh from 1991-2007 where he wrote the first Masters course in Dyslexia in the UK in 1993.

Dr. Gavin Reid

He has written 40 books in the field of dyslexia, learning skills and motivation.  His books have been translated into seven languages and some are in third, fourth and fifth editions. He lectures worldwide and has regular international consultancies.

Dr. Reid is a regular speaker at the International Dyslexia Association conferences in the USA.  He has held seminars and courses in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Dubai, Kuwait, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Cyprus, Greece, Singapore, UK and Canada.

He has been involved in a number of research programmes and consultancies focussing on dyslexia, learning skills, school evaluations, teacher education and assessment. He has sat on government panels on assessment and dyslexia and has been engaged in United Nations projects as a learning differences expert and has appeared on a number of radio and television programmes on dyslexia worldwide including Dubai, Kuwait, Australia, UK, Hong Kong, Gibraltar, New Zealand and Singapore.

Dr. Reid has lectured to thousands of professionals and parents in over 70 countries.  He is passionate about helping to achieve equal opportunities for those with dyslexia and other learning differences and is a strong advocate of the strengths and positive aspects of dyslexia and learning differences. He resides and works in Vancouver, Canada. His web site is  and

Working with Dr. Reid

  • Dr. Reid can identify the presence of any learning difficulty that your child may be experiencing – such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia Attention Difficulties and children on the Autistic Spectrum.
  • Dr. Reid works with schools to help identify children’s classroom needs and develop and discuss suggestions for intervention.
  • Dr. Reid supports parents by informing them of their child’s strengths and challenges and this helps to reduce any potential anxieties.
  • As a parent himself of a child, now adult with severe special needs Gavin Reid is well aware of the anxieties and the concerns that parents experience.


Having left school at an early age with no qualifications Gavin Reid sought to remedy that situation as soon as possible. He studied his own learning pattern and his specific learning style and embarked on what became a successful academic career achieving three Masters Degrees and a Ph.D.?He is also a qualified teacher and taught for 10 years. Dr. Reid uses this experience to help him understand the classroom needs of children and to support teachers


Gavin Reid is a registered psychologist with the Health and Care Professionals Council in the UK (HCPC) and with the British Columbia College of Psychologists in Canada.

Conferences and publications

Gavin Reid conducts seminars and workshops to schools and parent organizations in many countries. He has made over 800 conference and seminar presentations in over 70 countries.


Gavin Reid always tries to make his publications practical. His books are centered on the needs of teachers and parents and are full of ideas and suggestions for support and intervention. He also has books on Learning Styles and Motivation.? He has currently 27 books in print and many of his books are used as core course texts in courses throughout the UK and in many other countries.

Where I work


The world is my office

Dr. Reid has over twenty five years experience in conducting psycho-educational assessments and has carried out over 5,000 assessments in Canada, UK, France, Switzerland, New Zealand, Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Republic of Ireland, Hungary and Australia.